In order to provide all our pupils a future that is filled with choice and opportunity we need to ensure they are in school regularly and punctually. There is a clear link between attendance at school and academic achievement. Statistically, those with higher than 96% attendance achieve higher levels of attainment at Phase 1, 2 and beyond to GCSE and A levels.

We therefore put attendance and punctuality high on our list of priorities for children and families and have set our target for attendance at 96%. It is essential that children come to school every day and on time so they can make the best possible progress in their learning.

Please see the school attendance diamond which explains school attendance percentages and risk groups. 

Attendance diamond

The diamond sets out what the basics are of our expectations regarding attendance and what support we offer.

We aim to make attendance:

  1. More visible to pupils on a daily basis.
  2. Be easier to grasp for parents and pupils.
  3. Be aspirational by getting pupils and parents to buy in with appropriate rewards. 
  4. Part of a dialogue between peers and between parents/carers and their children.


Rewarding good attendance

We reward good attendance and punctuality using the following methods:

  • Weekly attendance awards for best class in each phase
  • Early Bird Scheme Phase 1 and 2 with stickers and a certificate at the end of term.
  • Termly individual awards for very good and excellent attendance
  • Attendance awards for very good attendance over an academic year
  • 100% Honours Roll
  • 100% attendance diamond badges at the end of the school year


The attendance diamond will:

  1. Be located on each Phase to stimulate pupil engagement and discussion. It will also be on the website for parents.
  2. Display each class's overall attendance. This will be updated every two weeks.
  3. Aim to inspire pupils to want to be in the green section at the top.
  4. Aim at getting the pupils buy in and make them aspirational as regards attendance which they in turn convey at home because they want to be in school and on time.


The class with the highest attendance and the most number of pupils in the green will be rewarded monthly with the Reach Diamond Award which will be displayed in their classroom until the following month.



We believe in consistent good punctuality and ask parents and carers to make every effort to get their children to school on time each day.

The primary school gates open at 8.10am and the children are allowed to go to class and be ready to begin their learning for 8:30am. 

Students in Phase 3 enter the Secondary gates between 8.10am and 8.25am. Any later than these times are registered as late and detentions issued. Arrivals after 08.45 are marked as an unauthorised absence (U) and counts as being absent for the whole AM session. 

If a student arrives late to school, they must provide a valid reason to the Attendance Officer. Traffic conditions will not be accepted as a valid reason for lateness. London traffic’s network is congested every day and will cause delays – this time must be factored into the student’s morning routine.


Absence due to Illness

If your child is unwell and cannot attend school, please call the school office before 8.30am to give a reason for absence. Failure to inform the school about your child’s absence will result in an unauthorised absence mark in the register. Children who have frequent occasional days off due to illness may be referred to Education Welfare.


Holidays in Term Time

There are thirteen weeks of school holiday a year and family holidays should be taken during these times. In exceptional circumstances, such as an emergency family circumstances or parental ill health, a parent may decide time away from school during term time cannot be avoided. Then, permission must be sought from the co-headteacher in writing before booking airline tickets. Parents and carers who take their children out of school for long unauthorised absences risk the likelihood of attracting a fine and, in time, being removed from the school roll.